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Jugoslavskych partyzanu 1580/3, 166 36 Prague 6, Czech republic, Room: B-303
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About me
I am researcher at the Biomedical Engineering and Assistive Technology Group. My research area lies in information and knowledge models and systems in medicine and education with focus on machine learning approaches and knowledge discovery. Currently, I work on a project for the analysis and prediction of university student failure. I also participate in projects in medical informatics, like a current project in genetic information interpretation. I have years of experience with signal processing and medical experiments design and evaluation, especially in the field of cardiology and obstetrics. I focus also on medical terminologies and nomenclature like SNOMED, LOINC, and HL7.
Current projects
Huptych, M.; Lhotská, L., Representation and Interpretation of Genetic Analysis: A Strategy of Development for the Personal Genetics Card Information System, In: pHealth 2020 Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2020. p. 129-135. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. vol. 273. ISSN 0926-9630. ISBN 978-1-64368-112-2.
Riedlbauchova, L.; Lozek, M.; Adla, T.; Suchanek, V.; Huptych, M.; Hozman, J. et al., Role of internal stretch fraction parameter in quantification of mechanical dyssynchrony and prediction of cardiac resynchronization therapy outcome, European Heart Journal. 2019, 40(Issue Supplement_1), 3556. ISSN 0195-668X.
Huptych, M.; Hrachovina, M.; Lhotská, L., A Software for Preprocessing Experimental BSPM Signals for a CRT Study, Proceedings. 2019, 31(1), ISSN 2504-3900.
Huptych, M.; Chudáček, V.; Abou Khashabh, I.; Spilka, J.; Burša, M.; Hruban, L.; Janků, P., Electronic delivery book: structured database enables analysis of perinatal risk factors, In: World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018 (Vol. 1). Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., 2019. p. 427-431. IFMBE Proceedings. vol. 68/1. ISSN 1680-0737. ISBN 978-981-10-9034-9.
Boucek, T.; Mlcek, M.; Krupickova, P.; Huptych, M.; Belza, T.; Kittnar, O.; Linhart, A.; Bělohlávek, J., Brain perfusion evaluated by regional tissue oxygenation as a possible quality indicator of ongoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. An experimental porcine cardiac arrest study, PERFUSION-UK. 2018, 33((1_suppl)), 65-70. ISSN 0267-6591.
Krupickova, P.; Huptych, M.; Mormanova, Z.; Boucek, T. et al., Effect of Pulsatility on Microcirculation in Patients Treated with Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Pilot Study, ASAIO journal. 2017, 63(4), 386-391. ISSN 1058-2916.
Huptych, M.; Bohuslávek, M; Hlosta, M; Zdráhal, Z., Measures for recommendations based on past students’ activity, In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference. New York: ACM, 2017. p. 404-408. ISBN 978-1-4503-4870-6.
Krupickova, P.; Mlcek, M.; Huptych, M.; Mormanova, Z. et al., Microcirculatory blood flow during cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation does not rrelate with global hemodynamics: an experimental studyco, Journal of Translational Medicine. 2016, 14(1), 163-172. ISSN 1479-5876.
Spilka, J.; Chudáček, V.; Huptych, M.; Leonarduzzi, R.; Abry, P.; Doret, M., Intrapartum Fetal Heart Rate Classification: Cross-Database Evaluation, In: XIV MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTING 2016. New York: Springer, 2016. p. 1193-1198. IFMBE Proceedings. vol. 57. ISSN 1680-0737. ISBN 978-3-319-32701-3.
Abou Khashabh, I.; Chudáček, V.; Huptych, M., Univariate Analysis of Prenatal Risk Factors for Low Umbilical Cord Artery pH at Birth, In: Information Technology in Bio- and Medical Informatics. Basel: Springer, 2016. pp. 186-191. LNCS 9832. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-319-43948-8.
Belohlavek, J.; Skalicka, H.; Boucek, T.; Kovarnik, T.; Fichtl, J.; Smid, O.; Huptych, M.; Linhart, A., Feasibility of cerebral blood flow and oxygenation monitoring by continuous transcranial Doppler combined with cerebral oximetry in a patient with refractory cardiac arrest treated by extracorporeal life support, PERFUSION-UK. 2014, 29(6), 534-538. ISSN 0267-6591.
Havranek, S.; Belohlavek, J.; Mlcek, M.; Huptych, M.; Bouček, T.; Svoboda, T.; Fichtl, J.; Hrachovina, M. et al., Median frequencies of prolonged ventricular fibrillation treated by V-A ECMO correspond to a return of spontaneous circulation rate, International Journal of Artificial Organs. 2014, 37 48-57. ISSN 0391-3988.